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event MessageSent(address _from, address _to, uint256 _fee, uint256 _value, uint256 _nonce, bytes _calldata, bytes32 _messageHash)

Emitted when a message is sent.

_calldata has the _ because calldata is a reserved word. We include the message hash to save hashing costs on the rollup. This event is used on both L1 and L2.


_fromaddressThe indexed sender address of the message (msg.sender).
_toaddressThe indexed intended recipient address of the message on the other layer.
_feeuint256The fee being being paid to deliver the message to the recipient in Wei.
_valueuint256The value being sent to the recipient in Wei.
_nonceuint256The unique message number.
_calldatabytesThe calldata being passed to the intended recipient when being called on claiming.
_messageHashbytes32The indexed hash of the message parameters.


event MessageClaimed(bytes32 _messageHash)

Emitted when a message is claimed.


_messageHashbytes32The indexed hash of the message that was claimed.


error FeeTooLow()

Thrown when fees are lower than the minimum fee.


error ValueSentTooLow()

_Thrown when the value sent is less than the fee. Value to forward on is msg.value - fee.


error MessageSendingFailed(address destination)

Thrown when the destination address reverts.


error FeePaymentFailed(address recipient)

Thrown when the recipient address reverts.


function sendMessage(address _to, uint256 _fee, bytes _calldata) external payable

Sends a message for transporting from the given chain.

_This function should be called with a msg.value = _value + fee. The fee will be paid on the destination chain.


_toaddressThe destination address on the destination chain.
_feeuint256The message service fee on the origin chain.
_calldatabytesThe calldata used by the destination message service to call the destination contract.


function claimMessage(address _from, address _to, uint256 _fee, uint256 _value, address payable _feeRecipient, bytes _calldata, uint256 _nonce) external

Deliver a message to the destination chain. Is called by the Postman, dApp or end user.


_fromaddressThe msg.sender calling the origin message service.
_toaddressThe destination address on the destination chain.
_feeuint256The message service fee on the origin chain.
_valueuint256The value to be transferred to the destination address.
_feeRecipientaddress payableAddress that will receive the fees.
_calldatabytesThe calldata used by the destination message service to call/forward to the destination contract.
_nonceuint256Unique message number.


function sender() external view returns (address originalSender)

Returns the original sender of the message on the origin layer.

Return Values

originalSenderaddressThe original sender of the message on the origin layer.
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