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Deploy a Linea subdomain

This guide is for developers who want to manage subdomains on Linea for domains they own on L1 ENS.

For example, if you own the domain example.eth on L1, you can create and manage subdomains like sub.example.eth on Linea that resolves to the L1 domain, ensuring seamless integration and resolution across both layers.


  • L2 contracts: These Linea contracts handle all operations on your subdomains, including registrations and setting records.

  • L1 contracts: These contracts enable subdomains created on Linea to resolve on L1. You can reuse the existing Linea contracts, unless you require customizations.

  • User interface (UI): The UI for managing subdomains; you can adapt the Linea Names app in the Linea Names GitHub repository. If you decide to deploy this UI, you will also need to deploy the Linea Names Subgraph, and include your own values into the env.ts file.


    Follow the quickstart guide to test it locally. Replace the environment variables BASE_DOMAIN, BASE_NODE, BASE_LABEL, and BASE_LABEL_HASH in the .env files (.env.example and env.ts) with the values matching your ENS domain.

Available deployment methods

Use one of the following deployment methods to deploy your subdomain.

Use the same approach as linea.eth

Manage your subdomains the same way linea.eth subdomains are managed using the deployment steps below. This includes using the Proof of Humanity (PoH) check for registering subdomains.

Deploy registrar contracts only

Deploy only your Registrar contracts while using the same Registry and Resolver contract addresses deployed for the linea.eth subdomain. Contact Linea Support to gain ownership of an L1 domain on Linea. This solution allows you to deploy only the registrar contracts.

Use ENS contracts

Modify the original ENS contracts deployed on Ethereum Mainnet. You must modify the node managed by the Registrar contract to match your domain's node.

For example, for linea.eth, we set the node in the contract's constructor.


If you modify the PublicResolver contract and it impacts storage, you must deploy your own L1Resolver contract on L1 to match those modifications, as the L1Resolver uses hard-coded storage slots (as seen here).


The following steps show how to deploy and configure subdomain contracts on Linea in the same way that they were used to create the linea.eth subdomain.

1. Deploy subdomain contracts

Deploy the subdomain contracts on the Linea network:

  1. Clone the Linea Names repository and execute the following commands:

    cd ./packages/linea-ens-contracts
    cp .env
  2. Replace the following keys in the .env file with your own information:


    Do not commit the .env file to your repository if it contains sensitive data. You can create a .gitignore file to prevent accidentally committing the file.


    Replace BASE_DOMAIN environment variable with the L1 ENS domain you own. For example, for linea.eth, it's linea.

  3. Deploy the contract:

    yarn hardhat deploy --network lineaMainnet
  4. Copy the PublicResolver contract address from the ./deployments/lineaMainnet/PublicResolver.json file:

    "address": "0x86c5AED9F27837074612288610fB98ccC1733126",

    Copy this address — you'll need it in the next step.

The contracts to manage your subdomains on Linea have now been deployed. The next step is to link these subdomains to your L1 domain on L1 for CCIP resolution to work.

2. Set the Linea target resolution

Set the Linea target resolution on the L1 ENS domain:

  1. Retrieve the DNS encoded name for your ENS domain by running:

    ts-node scripts/getENSHashes.ts yourdomain.eth

    For example, ts-node scripts/getENSHashes.ts linea.eth

    Example output:

    The namehash of 'linea.eth' is: 0x527aac89ac1d1de5dd84cff89ec92c69b028ce9ce3fa3d654882474ab4402ec3
    The DNS encoded name of 'linea.eth' is: 0x056c696e65610365746800

    Keep the DNS encoded name result, for example 0x056c696e65610365746800.

  2. Go to the Linea Custom Resolver contract on Etherscan.

  3. In the Write Contract tab, connect your wallet using the Connect with web3 button. Make sure to connect with the wallet containing the account that owns your L1 ENS domain. In the setTarget function add the following parameters:

    • name: The DNS encoded name you got from step 1.
    • target: The Linea resolver target address you copied from the PublicResolver.json file in the previous step.

    Then select Write and approve the transaction.

  4. Go to the ENS app.

  5. Search for your ENS domain and go to the profile page.

  6. Select the More tab, and in the Resolver section select Edit.

  7. Select Custom Resolver and add the address 0xde16ee87B0C019499cEBDde29c9F7686560f679a.

  8. Select Update and approve the transaction.

The setup to manage subdomains on Linea for your ENS domain is now complete and configured similarly to linea.eth. This means anyone with an active PoH on Linea can now register a subdomain.yourdomain.eth that will be resolved on the L1 ENS.